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There have been ample blogs, media coverage, documentaries, studies and analysis on the topic of muzzling and changes to government communications policies over the past few years. This is a sample that provides a general overview of the various issues related to muzzling.


The Harper government's War on Science
An important chronology going back to 2006.


Harper Government Shutting Down Science
An Impressive Google map of sites across Canada.


Federal policies block communication on everything from drugs to climate report


Canadian environmental libraries closed down

Environment Canada 'muzzles' scientists' dealings with media

Muzzling of federal scientists widespread, survey suggests

FAQ: The issues around muzzling government scientists


Steve Campana, Canadian biologist, 'disgusted' with government muzzling
His team discovered how to tell the age of lobster and shrimp — a finding that could help manage the fishery. The research wasn't approved for release in Canada, but was coved by the US media who got the information at a conference.


Data On Canada Is Drying Up Since The Nation Scrapped Its Mandatory Long-Form Census
The change has affected business owner s, researchers, government agencies and journalists.


Federal government ices polar briefings
Scientists not allowed to let public know about findings in the Arctic.


Rick Mercer Rant – Science!


Blogs by a former Department of Fisheries and Oceans scientist

An inside look at muzzling.


True North Strong and Free

An important graphical/interactive run-down of everything that's happened.

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